Empowering the Grid:
Choices and Flexibility for Grid Operations and Utilization
The Midwestern Governors Association held its fourth invite-only transmission meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 16 and 17. The Midwest has made steady progress in planning for the transmission needs of the future. Midwestern governors have been actively engaged in this process to ensure collaboration and progress among the many regional stakeholders. To build upon the region’s successes and the MGA’s past efforts on transmission, this meeting focused on options states, utilities and grid operators can take to meet the current and future challenges of grid reliability.
September 16-17, 2014
Indianapolis, Indiana
Co-Hosting Organizations
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Organization of MISO State
Speaker Presentations and Information
Permitting Challenges and Solutions for Major Transmission Projects
The Breakdown of 111-D – What it Means for States and the Region
Implementation Choices for States and Regions to Meet New EPA Regulations
Videos on Transmission