Optimizing Grid Technologies
The Midwestern Governors Association (MGA) and the Organization of MISO States (OMS) again teamed up for the Tenth Annual MGA Transmission Summit. This event focused on how advanced technology is providing new pathways to optimize and unleash the potential of the Midwestern electric grid. Speakers and panelists discussed how this technology will impact planning and operating the system.
November 16
Advanced Transmission Line Technology This day was a look into the techniques and technologies that can maximize the use of existing transmission lines, including advanced forecasting, equipment rating, and sensor technologies. Speakers discussed the benefits of and barriers to the adoption of these technologies and contemplate how they see these technologies evolving in the future. Virtual Meeting Packet
Speaker Presentations
- Rob Gramlich, Watt Coalition
- Charlton Clark – WindSim
- Cynthia Crane – ITC Holdings Corporation
- Babak Enayati – National Grid
- Jake Gentle – Idaho National Laboratory
November 17
Non-Transmission Alternatives and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) A look at how the grid can be optimized to account for changes occurring on the demand-side of the equation. Speakers described the interaction between technologies deployed on utility distribution systems and the big grid, discussed how these technologies will be used to provide services to the grid, and touched on how system planners can properly forecast and account for them. Virtual Meeting Packet
Speaker Presentation
Meeting Resources
November 18
Big Grid vs. Little Grid Leading thinkers and policymakers discussed how the increasing deployment of technology will change the needs of the Bulk Electric System. What will be the appropriate balance between the “big” and “little” grids? How will regulation at the federal and state level shape future developments at the transmission and distribution-level in order to benefit customers. Virtual Meeting Packet
Speaker Presentation
Meeting Resources