Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

IInvasive species know no boundaries, jurisdiction or authority. Cities, counties, states, private sector, and international organizations all have significant roles to play in invasive species’ introduction, containment, and eradication. Therefore, it is impractical to address invasive species on a state-by-state or city-to-city basis. Working regionally is the best way to address invasive species in a productive and long-term manner. As the chief executive officers of their state, governors are in the best position to convene the right stakeholders, and bring them to the table for real, tangible solutions.

There are currently many successful state-approaches to addressing invasive species. However, success of state-by-state efforts is limited by the regional nature of spreading invasive species. With funding limited, it is may be difficult for individual states to develop and implement programs that are more aggressive and comprehensive. Regional collaboration offers an opportunity to leverage funding and pool, staff and scientific resources to prevent, contain and control pests and pathogens.

AIS Summit

June 27-28, 2013 
Minneapolis, MN

Meeting Documents

Additional Information

Meeting Outcomes

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