Future Events


Past Events

Webinar on FERC Order 1920A

January 14 at 1 pm Central[Virtual]

Quarterly MID-GRID Meeting

January 28 [Virtual]

Past Events


NERC Interregional Transfer Capacity

November 18 [Virtual]

Grid Strategies RE NTP Study

November 7 [Virtual]

U.S. DOE NTP Study Webinar

October 30 [Virtual]

MGA Quarterly MID-GRID 20235 In-Person Meeting

October 2-3 – Chicago, Illinois

Speaker Biographies

Attendee List

Optional Tour Itinerary 

Presentation: Cici Vu, DNV Energy Insights USA

Building for the Future Through Electric Regional
Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation

July 9 [Virtual]

Speaker Bios

FERC Presentation on Order No. 1920

Questions for FERC, please contact Rob Thormeyer at  [email protected]

MGA MID-GRID & MGA-OMS Transmission Summit

April 29-30 – Minnesota

Speaker Bios
Attendee List


MID-GRID 2035 2.0 Quarterly Meeting

January 25 [Virtual]

Presentation: Melissa Burchard U.S. DOE GDO


MID-GRID Webinar – Intertie Optimization

December 14 [Virtual]

Intertie Optimization is the process of efficiently utilizing any interregional transmission capability between neighboring RTOs/ISOs that remains unused after all bilateral trades have been arranged.The presentation will focus on a recent study performed by the Brattle Group and Willkie, Farr & Gallagher LLP titled: The Need for Intertie Optimization – Reducing Customer Costs, Improving Grid Resilience, and Encouraging Interregional Transmission. A copy of the report can be found online here.


Geothermal Policy Discussion- Webinar

October 30 [Virtual]

This webinar focused on geothermal policy discussions and include the following themes:

  1. How States Promote and Incentivize Geothermal
  2. Geothermal and the Grid – How Geothermal can Improve Resiliency and Efficiency

Speakers included:

MGA MID-GRID 2035 – Quarterly Meeting

September 27-28 | Little Rock, AR

The next MGA MID-GRID 2035 event will be a virtual session taking place on Tuesday, June 20 at 11 am Eastern/10 am Central. Following-up on the foundations built at our event in Chicago in April, this event will highlight specific topics/issues the MGA will focus on as part of our MID-GRID 2035 effort over the next year or so.

Introduction to Geothermal – Webinar

July 18 [Virtual]

The focus of the this webinar is an Introduction to Geothermal and will focus on providing general information about geothermal, including both residential and community scale geothermal. 

Confirmed Speakers include:

Andrew Stumpf, Co-founder, Illinois Geothermal Coalition

Arlene Anderson, Low-Temperature Technology Manager, US DOE GTO

Kathy Hannun Founder and President of Dandelion Energy

MGA MID-GRID 2035 – Quarterly Meeting

June 20 [Virtual]

This virtual  MID-GRID 2035 event highlighted the specific topics/issues the MGA will focus on as part of our MID-GRID 2035 effort over the next year or so.
More information can be found here.

Quarterly Preparing Midwestern Communities for the Energy Transition Virtual Meeting

June 13 [Virtual]

MGA hosted a quarterly virtual meeting for our Communities Impacted by the Energy Transition initiative. This call was an opportunity to get an update from a number of perspectives including the Interagency Work Group (IWG) on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization and several initiatives in Midwestern states. More information can be found here.

MGA MID-GRID 2035 – Quarterly Meeting

April 17-18

Since the start of the MID-GRID 2035 effort in late 2019, the Midwest has made considerable progress toward the vision outlined by the states. Regional and interregional transmission
planning is taking place at a scale not before contemplated, and new generation investments have provided economic development and other benefits. Simultaneously, the region has dealt
with multiple major weather events, grid reliability challenges, increasing costs due to global economic turmoil and record inflation, and an increasing rate of generation retirements.As we look back at where MID-GRID 2035 began and now toward where this work will go, the
nature of the challenges and opportunities ahead has shifted and this event will set the stage for what we hope to tackle in MID-GRID 2035 2.0.More information can be found here.

Quarterly Preparing Midwestern Communities for the Energy Transition Virtual Meeting

March 14 [Virtual]

MGA hosted a quarterly virtual meeting for our Communities Impacted by the Energy Transition initiative. 


Generation Fleet Change Pathways and Cost Implications

April 20 [Virtual]

MID-GRID 2035 participants will join a discussion of technological and regulatory approaches for maximizing benefits of transmission development for landowners and local communities. Discussion could include opportunities for conducting outreach to engage stakeholders upstream in the process—early and often—especially with groups that have often not been adequately represented in past decisions, including rural residents, communities of color, and sovereign Tribal Nations. Participants will also discuss opportunities for unlocking co-benefits via transmission infrastructure deployment and how transmission planning and siting process can be structured to minimize conflict and broadly support beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders.

Advanced Conductor Webinar

August 23 [Virtual]

David Townley, Director of Public Policy at CTC Global will present on their work with advanced conductors. CTC Global is a pioneering manufacturer of advanced transmission conductors. CTC’s innovative design enables more power to flow through existing transmission corridors, delivering more efficient and reliable energy to customers than conventional wires do today. MGA participants will have the opportunity to discuss the benefits of advanced conductors, barriers to their broad implementation, and opportunities for states and utilities to explore their use in the Midwest.

FERC Update Webinar

September 20 [Virtual]

Liz Salerno, Lead, Transmission and Technology Initiatives for Chairman Glick, FERC provided an update on Transmission related topics at FERC. Since we heard from Chairman Glick at last year’s MGA-OMS Transmission Summit, the FERC-NARUC task force has meet multiple times, FERC’s transmission planning NOPR has received comments from stakeholders, and FERC has issues even more proposed rules related to transmission planning and interconnection, just to name of few of the things that FERC has going on that is impacting transmission.

Converter Stations

October 4 [Virtual]

The MGA will host Roger Rosenqvist, Vice President of Business Development for Hitachi Energy’s HVDC Division in North America for a webinar about converter stations. High-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technology has not been deployed widely in the Midwest, compared to alternating current (AC) transmission. This is in part because the equipment needed to manage a DC grid, and to connect the DC and AC grids, has been prohibitively expensive. Today, HVDC technology is gaining traction around the world as power system are modernized and decarbonized. Technological improvements and cost declines in DC-AC converter stations have helped spur deployment. During this webinar, participants will hear from one of the industry’s leading manufacturers of converter stations on the capabilities these assets can offer and how those capabilities can address emerging reliability needs and be part of an optimized transmission grid that meets the MID GRID 2035 vision.

U.S. DOE Grid Deployment Office Update

October 18 [Virtual]

The MGA will be joined by Whitney Muse, Chief of Staff, Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of Energy to discuss structural changes at DOE, including the formation of the Grid Deployment Office (GDO). Attendees will learn about the mission of the GDO, its programs and initiatives, and the offices role in federal legislation include BIL, CHIP, and IRA

Annual Transmission Summit

November 1-3 [Virtual]

MGA’s Annual Transmission Summit will cover several key Transmission topics, including weatherization and cold weather operations, interregional transmission, and advanced transmission technologies.

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