Invest in the Midwest:
We Make the Things that Power the World
On Sept. 21-22 in Columbus, Ohio, the MGA hosted a focused meeting of Midwestern policy leaders to embark on a discussion on how to improve the investment climate in the Midwest. With world-class universities and colleges, an able workforce with a strong work-ethic and an extensive manufacturing infrastructure, it is imperative that the Midwest has sufficient financing available for new businesses to prosper and existing businesses to retool in the new energy economy. Meeting attendees listened and interacted with various Midwestern leaders including investors and representatives from state governments, foundations and universities. We hope this event will begin an important discussion in the Midwest.
Invest in the Midwest: We Make the Things that Power the World
September 21 – 22, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Highlights of the first day included remarks from Gov. Strickland, followed by interactive panel discussions. A networking reception in the Ohio Statehouse Rotunda concluded the day’s activities.
The second day was an intimate invitation-only working meeting. Along with member of the investment advisory group, invited guests divided into small groups to discuss topics pertinent to the creation of the Midwestern Investment Platform for the New Energy Economy. This document will outline steps the region can take to bolster the investment climate in the Midwest for the new energy economy. Observers are welcome.
Speaker Biographies
Attendee List
MGA Presentation
Midwest Investment Survey Results
Day 2 – Subgroup Notes
A. Regionalism
B. Harmonizing State Investment Strategies
C. Growing a Smart Investment Ecosystem
D. Increasing Fundable Deals