Midwestern Governors Association Holds Regional Propane Meeting to Encourage Industry and Consumer Preparedness

Milwaukee, Wisconsin – The Midwestern Governors Association (MGA) today wrapped-up a two-day meeting in Milwaukee focused on strengthening the Midwest’s propane supply chain and working with industry on better preparing for the upcoming winter. The meeting brought together state, industry and federal stakeholders to discuss steps taken last winter as well as preparations for the coming winter.

“As winter quickly approaches, we wanted to bring together industry experts, and state and federal government leaders, for in-person discussions to ensure we are prepared for the
upcoming propane season and everyone is on the same page,” said Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Chair of the MGA. “We are working together to prevent the impact of propane shortage.
Consumers can do your part by taking time to get propane tanks filled now, instead of waiting – which could save a significant amount of money.”

Under Governor Walker’s leadership as Chair, the MGA has convened a propane supply chain working group consisting of state government agencies and industry representatives to identify opportunities to better enhance consumer awareness and industry preparedness for the upcoming winter. This group previously met in June in Madison, and continues to hold biweekly conference calls focused on individual sectors of the supply chain to enhance regional cooperation.

To help carry out these efforts, the MGA has received assistance from the U.S. Department of Energy. This assistance has helped to bring states together to learn from each other and the federal government, as well as hear from suppliers and marketers regarding propane supply and infrastructure developments.

More information on the meeting will be made available on the MGA’s website. Visit
www.midwesterngovernors.org/chairagenda.htm to learn more.


The MGA is a nonprofit, bipartisan organization that brings together the governors of Midwestern states to work cooperatively on issues of importance to the region. Current members of the MGA are Gov. Pat Quinn (Ill.), Gov. Mike Pence (Ind.), Gov. Terry Branstad (Iowa), Gov. Sam Brownback (Kansas), Gov. Rick Snyder (Mich.), Gov. Mark Dayton (Minn.), Gov. Jay Nixon (Mo.), Gov. John Kasich (Ohio) and Gov. Scott Walker

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